
Good nutrition is part of a healthy lifestyle. Food is our body’s energy, our fuel. Good fuel or bad fuel, what you decide to put into your body is entirely up to you. It is a choice. Your Choice. Remembering, that the type of fuel you decide to put into your body will determine its outcome, it will determine how smoothly you function. Personal responsibility.

Many people associate healthy nutrition and fitness with dry/ bland foods that are both unappetizing and bad tasting. This is not the case. Make it fun! Find ways to cook the meals you love a healthier way and with great taste. Being in the Fire Service we all take pride in our cooking skills. It’s not easy eating healthy all the time, nor is it always cheaper. But, there are ways!

Philly Fire’s Motivated Fitness is here to help guide you through the process. Our 15 Motivated Fitness Trainers are certified to help you not only meet you fitness goals, but your nutritional goals as well. We have registered nutritionist and dieticians on hand. All part of Local 22’s Health Plan to provide you and your family with a healthier lifestyle!

Below we have a list of businesses we have worked with in the past and also by logging on to you can find the location of registered dieticians in our area covered by your IBC Health Insurance. Questions ? Please contact us at

Eating for Life Nutrition Counseling Services,LLC
Suzanne McKeever, MA, RD, LDN
9379 Krewstown Rd.
Philadelphia, Pa 19115

Nutrition Unlimited, LLC
1512 South St.
Philadelphia, PA 19146